Medical & Healthcare Videos

Video is a perfect medium for the medical, healthcare, and pharmaceutical sectors to communicate complex and sometimes sensitive information in an effective and understandable way.

Videos can promote new medical devices and technology, as well as detailing how to use them. Videos can assist training in healthcare and medical organisations by explaining new procedures and demonstrating best practices. Videos can document case studies. Videos can help to raise awareness about public health issues. Videos can answer patient’s FAQs about their diagnoses, treatment, and care. Videos can provide detailed technical visualisations, or more simplified explanations depending on the target audience.

When producing medical videos we combine creativity with the required clinical accuracy, using the right tone and appropriate language. We understand the importance of patient privacy and commercial confidentiality.

A study by Forbes into how people use video found…

59% prefer to watch a video on a work topic than read about it.

54% share work-related videos with colleagues.

75% watch business videos every week.


Ascom Case Study

A case study video about why the Children’s Ward at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow use Ascom’s wireless technology, and how they use it to improve patient care.


Mentice PAE Workshop

A video of the PAE workshop held at University Hospital Southampton, that brought together Interventional Radiologists to be part of a groundbreaking workshop that included hands-on practice using the Mentice simulators.


Mentice Product Promo

A product promo video for a new portable medical simulator. The video combines motion graphics and interview footage. A number of shorter videos were also created to use on social media.